From Free Yourself from Sinus and Allegy Problems

From Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems-Permanently
By Murray Grossan, M.D.

PART III: Sinus Sickness: Causes and Immediate Relief Page 29

Let’s say you think you have sinus disease or you’ve been diagnosed as having sinus sickness. We can discuss your treatment in different circumstances. There are some immediate treatments you can give yourself. I will discuss long-term treatments. This part of the book is strictly for specific sinus disease or sickness. In Parts IV and V we’ll cover the other related sicknesses or where the ailment is not caused by a single problem, which can be complicated.

Signs and symptoms of a sinus attack:
The predominant organisms found in patients with acute maxillary sinusitis were S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. With the sinus attack you get increased ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate and increased C –reactive protein concentration. Fever, localized pain and positive cultures confirm the diagnosis
With a sinus infection you get increasing ESR ererythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration and confirmed infection with the predominant bacterial pathogensand CRP values. Body temp greater than 38 degrees, dental pain, plugged nose, colored discharge and fatigue.

A Sinus Attack, Right Now or Ongoing
When you feel a sinus infection coming on you should do the following:
• Rest
• Drink hot chicken soup and tea with lemon and honey (without caffeine is Okay but it must be green or black)
• Use hot compresses applied to the sinus area, and put those compresses:
o above the eyes for the frontal sinuses
o between the eyes for the ethmoid sinuses
o below the eyes for the maxillary sinuses

“Stop!” you might yell, “I don’t know a frontal or ethmoid or maxillary sinus from a tadpole!” Okay, let’s give you a basic description. (Also see illustrations in the appendix.) Remember, the sinuses are the hollow areas of your facial bones.
The frontal sinuses are those above the eyes. The roof of the orbit or eye socket is the floor of the frontal sinus
The maxillary sinuses are the largest of the sinuses, and these cavities are located inside each cheekbone, above your upper teeth and below the eye. They are present at birth.
The ethmoid sinuses are between your eyes and are the floor of the brain case.
There are sphenoid sinuses deep in your skull behind the ethmoids, above the top of your throat.
Besides self-treatment suggestions outlined so far as temporary measures, what follows is a list of products that can help mucociliary clearance—the cleaning out of your sinuses by your tiny hair-like cilia.

Products That Increase Mucociliary Clearance
• Iodides
• Guiafenasen (Humibid)
• Fluids enough to lighten the urine
• Reducing bacterial load
• Terbutaline used for asthma
• Inhaled corticosteroids
• Various enzymes: bromelain or papain lozenges dissolved in the mouth (proteolytic enzyme lozenges such as Clear-ease®)
• Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed®)
• Breathing and coughing exercises
• Flutter inhalation device
• Yoga vibration: “ooooooommmmmm”
• Tones of low vibration delivered through the nose.
• Nasal saline sprays with enhanced electrolytes, — Breathe-ease XL
• Pulsatile irrigation at a rate that matches good cilia rate. (
• Warm/hot chicken soup
• Moisture in the air.
• Green or Black tea with Lemon and Honey
• Most citrus juices

Next I will review the sinus anatomy.

Question: Why do you insist the the Hydro Pulse™ pressure be kept at 5 PSI. Wouldn’t a higher pressure wash bacteria out better?
Answer: 5 PSI is the exact pressure that maximizes suction of bacteria from the sinuses. If the pressure varies you don’t get good suction. At 5 PSI the pressure is too low to drive bacteria into the ear or into healthy areas. At 5 PSI irrigation is gentle, and actually feels good.
