Chronic Sinusitis? A Drug Free Approach is Best

Take steps to be free of Chronic Sinusitis and Allergy

The majority of patients I see in consultation already have had two or three months of the latest, “best” antibiotics. They complain of nasal congestion, yellow green discharge, poor sleep- that is what chronic sinusitis is all about.
Many are suffering from the ill effects of excess antibiotic including fungal overgrowth They come to me because they are no better than they were before the medications. Just giving another antibiotic is not my approach.
I investigated ancient practices that worked for healing for thousands of years. When you understand why these methods worked, you can apply these practices to modern sinus problems. Investigation shows that when the nasal cilia slow down, then the cilia no longer beat in rhythm to expel the bacteria, so they multiply and cause infection. The goal then is to restore the nasal cilia and get rid of the chronic sinusitis.

How My Approach to Sinus Treatment Came About
Airline pilots and scuba divers cannot take medications the way other people can. A pilot can’t fly a 450-passenger 747 if there’s a chance he could fall asleep from taking an antihistamine for his stuffy nose. A diver can’t work at four times normal atmospheric pressure after taking a drug whose side effect may be four times as severe as at normal atmospheric pressure. In rethinking sinus issues, such as why ears get blocked when you are 30,000 feet above the ground or 100 feet below the ocean’s surface, I came up with ideas that work for these conditions. I later found out that these same ideas worked for my other patients, who didn’t get well after taking prescribed drugs.
For most of my practice, I have stressed less medication, more healing by the body. It is known that excess antibiotics are really bad for you. There is more severe urinary infections, more asthma—all associated with excess antibiotic use. If you don’t use an antibiotic, you won’t suffer the side effects of the antibiotic, some of which can be more severe than the original infection. Even worse is the possibility that the antibiotic will not work because bacteria have developed strong resistance to the antibiotic!
In this book you will learn the simple logic of washing away bacteria so the body can self-heal. The fewer the bacteria, the better your natural healing. You will learn how pulsatile irrigation can overcome the various films, covers, and other defenses that bacteria have developed against antibiotics.

Surgery for Sinus Disease?
At my practice, Tower Ear Nose and Throat, many patients are referred to our specialty group for special sinus surgery. Patients ask, “Should I have sinus surgery?” That is the wrong question. The correct question is: “What can be done to heal me?” In many instances, I am proud to say, we can heal these patients without surgery. In this book I will explain how.
Remember NEVER NEVER ask, should I have surgery? Ask, what can you recommend that will help my body restore to good health?
Excerpt from Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems Permanently

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