Why the Grossan Institute is Needed Part Two

Part Two

A current article shows that giving toddlers too much antibiotic can alter their immune reactions and lead to asthma. Therefore I will discuss how you can reduce antibiotic intake using Medication Enhancement.

Please note that nothing in the Institute is without complete scientific background and evidence. Yet it is different. Why?

I currently specialize in treating scuba divers and flyers. They can’t take drugs, so I must understand the anatomy and physiology to find a drug free solution. I attended medical school in Georgia and my patients were too poor for medicines; so I looked for other treatments.
Understanding how the body works is the key. For example my divers are taught how to use less air when they dive.
On the other hand, I teach asthmatics how to use more air.

Understanding how the mind works for healing is also a key to your health.
Every time they do a double blind study, there may be good results with the genuine pill. But there may be the EXACT same result with the placebo! Why does that happen?

They studied a new drug for arthritis. 30 % of the patients taking the drug got relief of pain, saw the swelling go down, increased the mobility of their joints. They got their appetite back and felt well. Yet, these were the patients that received the placebo! What you will learn here is how to use that principle to help you take charge and use your mind as a healer.

I previously gave the example of Sally and Chicken Soup
Sally M. called to cancel the appointment she made to see me for her cough. When she made the appointment, she had been coughing for six weeks, had filled numerous prescriptions and seen a pulmonologist and taken lots of medication. Three days before her appointment with me, her grandmother came, made her Chicken Soup, and now her cough was gone, and she felt well. WHY did grandma’s chicken soup do this? I am here to explain this to you so you can be well too. Essentially Sally recalled all the good feelings she had when, as a child, her mother and grandmother soothed her symptoms. Her brain followed a script to put out the healing enzymes.
You can learn how to replicate those same feelings by reading this blog.

From these personal examples I believe you will agree that there surely is a need for the Grossan Institute devoted to teaching you the tools you and your family can use for better health.

Feel free to post these messages on your own web sites and tell your friends.

Remember, every time someone uses an antibiotic that isn’t needed, you and your family personally suffer because that bacteria gets more resistant to antibiotics. For many illnesses you can learn to avoid unnecessary antibiotics here.

The contents of this blog are from my book Stressed? Anxiety ? Your Cure is in the Mirror. Available at www.hydromedonline.com and Amzon.
Next week: Medication Enhancement
