How the Grossan Institute is Good for Your Health Part Three


Has this happened to you? You see the doctor on the fourth floor and she says to put heat to it.

Then you see the doctor on the second floor who says put cold to it.

Then you see the doctor on the third floor who says leave it alone, don’t do anything.


This is especially hard to understand in today’s high costs and the difficulty of taking time from work to be seen.


Yet the strangest thing is that often each of these three separate treatments have the same benefit!  How does that happen?


I call it Medication Enhancement. Any medication or treatment can be made better by

A relaxation , free of stress

B. knowing what the drug does, how it acts

C. following the directions: take before meals, avoid smoking

D. visualizing the medication actually working using all your senses

E. having your brain understand a path that your body will follow: After you take this pill your nasal drainage will be reduced. You took a similar pill before and it stopped the drainage.  The brain follows a script.


Next time you take a pill

This pill is for allergy. It blocks the release of histamine that causes the allergy symptoms. When you take it four times a day, the histamine is not released and the breathing remains clear.The nose is open and the drainage stops.


This happens almost daily in the emergency room. Patient is rushed in with pain. The nurse gives the shot to stop the pain and the pain stops immediately. Here the brain is programmed that the shot stops the pain. BUT scientifically we know that it takes 20 minutes for the shot to take effect. How did that happen? The brain was following a script.


This is not only true of medicines. There have been scams in wines. The buyer sees the famous bottle and pays a high price for it. When he serves it all the guest know it is a fabulous wine and they all comment on how good it tastes. They enjoyed this superior expensive wine. The host felt it tasted superior and was worth the high price. But it turns out that the wine was a fake. This scam is being done daily!  The brain is following a script!


In my book, Stressed? Anxiety? Your Cure is in the Mirror there are actions you can use to enhance any treatment. Once you fully understand why placebos given in scientific tests can work, you can apply those same principles to your daily medications. Often you can make them  work better and often reduce the needed dosage!



