The Definitive Library
The best and most up to date articles and research on the following topics.

Welcome to the Grossan Institute
When you enter the Grossan Institute web page you see all manner of advice that can help you to be healthy. When you learn that hot tea, lemon and honey can clear you sinuses, that lifting up the tip of your nose can stop your snoring, or that taking papaya can open your blocked ears, then you are on the road to better health.
I admit that many of my recommendations are unusual. But, when my patient is able to do a simple exercise and stop her dizziness, instead of resorting to pills that make her drowsy, that is an accomplishment for me. Getting people well is why I went to medical school.
The first thing about healing an illness is to stop the stress and anxiety chemicals that impair normal healing. I sincerely hope that knowing you can get your answers here from a board certified ear nose and throat specialist will aid your relaxation as an aid to natural healing. But I plan to also show you relaxation techniques from my book. I invite questions. BUT never ask, “Should I have surgery?” The best question to ask is, “What should I do to get well?”
I am looking forward to hearing from you. I stress again, the more you understand how that ear,nose, and throat of yours works, and what the treatment does, the better result you will have, because that knowledge will empower you to better health.
Best wishes to all,
Murray G.
Most Recent Articles
How the Hydro-Pulse® was Invented for sinusitis, allergy and postnasal drip
How the Hydro-Pulse® was Invented Before Antibiotics Before there were antibiotics, treating sinusitis meant office visits with treatments that could be unpleasant, such as flushing the sinus using instruments. Then when antibiotics came along, now there was a simple pill for whatever sinus area bothered you. Patients were very happy. However, there were still pregnant…
Prevent and Reduce Hearing Loss With Magnesium
Magnesium and Antioxidants Reduce Hearing Loss in Research Study When Hearing Loss is Common There are certain populations where hearing loss is seen regularly. For example, Longshore workers who are exposed to very loud sirens, signaling devices, steel clanging on steel, etc are often found to have a hearing loss after years of exposure. Many…
What is Clear.ease™ and What is it Used For?
We get many questions from readers. I will try to answer them here. Clear.ease™ is a mixture of enzymes produced from fruit. The Bromelain comes from unripe pineapples, especially the stems, and the Papain from fresh papaya. Why Do People Use These Enzymes? Each of these products has been used in folklore for centuries. Historically,…
Is Your Sinus Infection Just Like Mary’s or Alexander’s?
See how they got cured. When Antibiotics Fail Phillip got a sinus infection in January. Took Antibiotic for six weeks, use Flonase twice a day, and Sudafed. Felt good in February. Infection returned in April. Had to repeat the whole antibiotic, Flonase, Sudafed once more. Again he felt better after the medications. But once more…
How to Avoid the Flu (or a Cold) This Year!
Flu/influenza can be prevented. Four valent vaccine, active cilia, good probiotic, and smiling are effective. Sanitizers must remain on for 20 seconds. Try the 15 minute test. You don’t want to catch influenza/ flu this year. You can get an influenza shot, and that is best. These injections raise your immunity to specific types of…
LA Times Article on Fall Allergy Leaves Out What’s Important.
The Oct 12 Los Angeles Times article by Karen Ravn did give an excellent description of why California is “blessed” with so much pollen. She writes: you’ll wind up with a runny or blocked-up nose, red, watery, itchy eyes, and no end of misery. But, I protest, how about some simple pointers on how to…
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The #1 recommended non surgical drug free cure to your sinus issues
Allergy, asthma, sinus pain, cold & flu suffers, breathe a sigh of relief. The breakthrough you’ve been hoping for is here. The Grossan Hydro Pulse® is your all natural home treatment that instantly relieves allergy symptoms and restores your natural immune system. One of Time Magazine’s inventions of the year the Grossan Hydro Pulse® is more safe and gentle than any other product out there. Say goodbye to sinus allergies and other sinus/ear problems!
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