How to stop snoring Part Nine

Snoring problems are common to show people. They are among my patients who need to stop snoring.

Entertainers and performers have a major problem with snoring. They have strange hours, bad eating habits, which makes a snoring cure difficult. Often they don’t eat until after a performance, which can be after midnight. They arrive home hungry, eat and go right to bed. This is a sure recipe for acid reflux.

Another problem is alcohol and smoking. Especially when on the road, it is common to unwind after a performance with smoking and drinking. When this is combined with singing, the voice suffers too.

With alcohol, you have the additional relaxation from the alcohol to add to the muscle relaxation of deep sleep; this makes it more likely for the tongue to fall back and block the airway.

Boomer was a drummer with a popular band that was on the road most of the year. His problem was that no one would share a hotel room with him, and the band couldn’t afford to get him a private room. The band was very unhappy about paying for his private room out of their meager funds. He might even lose his job!

He needed a cure of his snoring as soon as possible. After I examined him and registered his nasal blockage, his throat swelling, and his chronic hoarseness, I explained that he must stop smoking, take a stomach acid inhibitor, use Hydro Pulse Sinus Irrigation before sleep to open his nasal passages and keep them open. His snoring improved enough to allow a roommate while traveling.

Why partners snore
Partners suffer when their opposite partner snores. They get lack of sleep and next day fatigue. With the fatigue comes unpleasant personality, irritability and the need for energy with food intake and weight gain. The extra weight and poor sleep may lead to their developing a snoring problem too! When I see one partner with a snoring problem, I often find that they complain about the other partner’s snoring keeps them awake!

I am always sympathetic when one partner complains of the other partner’s snoring, because several studies recorded snoring volumes and some were above 80 decibels. The government has established that noise above 80 decibels is an industrial hazard!

Fatigue and Snoring
Personality changes, loss of creativity, and fatigue may be primarily due to poor sleep and blocked breathing in sleep. One example of this is:
Amanda saw me for wax blocking her ear. Her history was that she had been diagnosed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She also had a snoring problem. I diagnosed her snoring as being due to her sinus problem. I explained how this blocked her breathing at night, leading to snoring and reflux. Turned out she was taking acid blocking medications for “stomach distress.”
When her sinus condition was cleared, the snoring was reduced, and her fatigue was improved. Not only did clearing her airway reduce her fatigue, but now she was free from the toxins of her chronic sinusitis infection.. She sleeps better and no longer needs to rest in the afternoon. Since she is now working full time, I conclude that she no longer has chronic fatigue.

You can’t turn on TV without seeing an ad for a caffeine booster; at the check out counter these are prominently displayed. I have gotten in the habit of asking my patients if they take these. Harriet said, “I take these about one three times a day. Which brand do you recommend?”
What I find is that many of these patients turn out to have snoring and sleep problems; they have “snoring fatigue” and therefore need the caffeine boost. I prefer to clear their snoring problem and relieve their fatigue by better sleep, so they can skip the booster.

Ever stop for gas and the salesperson tried to sell you tires? I feel like that sometimes.
Pete came to see me about his hearing loss. His swollen heavy palate indicated snoring. Turns out he did snore, significantly, and the poor guy who only wanted information about his industrial hearing loss, ended up with a full program about treating his snoring. On the other hand, I know how important it is to stop snoring so that it doesn’t lead to the more serious Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
