Let me count the ways for snoring relief
If you can count, you can get find snoring relief.
There is a misconception that I see in the popular magazines. They write that simple snoring is a form of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.(OSA).
This is a serious mis-information.
You can have snoring that disturbs the entire house and still not have periods where you don’t get oxygen to your brain –OSA
What I stress to my patients, is that you need to clear simple snoring because it could lead to Obstructive Sleep Apnea – OSA.
How that works:
It’s simple arithmetic. When each factor adds to 10, you snore
o GERD stomach acid reflux
o Large floppy tongue
o Flabby weak throat muscles
o Enlarged fatty soft palate and uvula
o Nasal airway blockage
o Enlarged Adenoids
o Larynx/voice box blockage
o Obesity
A person may snore from a single factor, such as chronic sinusitis that is a ten. Or it may be a sum of GERD 4, plus enlarged soft palate 4, plus Sinusitis 4 equals 12. If we stop the GERD, than we are below ten; below ten he sleeps soundly. If you clear the GERD and the chronic sinusitis, then the enlarged palate alone may not be a ten, enough to cause a snoring problem.
If you understand how snoring can develop into problems that lead to a condition where a patient actually stops getting oxygen to his brain, OSA, then you can stop the snoring early and prevent this.
Enlarged Adenoids are rare in adults, common in children. If adenoids are enlarged on only one side, that needs to be investigated.
Would You Like to Lose Weight?
If you said yes, know that with serious snoring, you are tired next day. You need to do your job, so you eat extra food for energy. This increases flabby heavy uvula/soft palate and makes more snoring. You can break this cycle by clearing the snoring early.
Muscle Flab of Throat
Imagine a flabby arm, with loose skin hanging down. Imagine exercising and massaging that flabby arm until all that flab is gone.
This is the condition of the throat tissues in snoring. Just as you would exercise your arm to fix that arm, you do the same for the throat.
Say A, E, I, O, U.
These exercises reduce snoring:
o Hold the tongue on the hard palate. Say the vowel sounds. Move the tongue around as you do these. Do three minutes on each vowel.
o Place the tongue in front of the roof of the mouth. Then slide it all the way to the back of the roof of the mouth.
o Pronounce vowels rapidly for 3 minutes.
o Press the tongue hard against the hard palate. Press frequently.
o Press the tip of the tongue into just behind the incisor teeth while pushing the back of the tongue into the floor of the mouth.
o Blow up a balloon by sniffing air in hard through the nose and forcing it out hard against the balloon.
o Swallow keeping the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
Sing and Stop Snoring
Actively doing singing exercises, at least twenty minutes a day, also is effective in reducing snoring due to flabby throat.
Mary’s husband complained about the money spent on singing lessons. But, when he found that Mary’s snored much less, he encouraged the lessons.
Massage the Throat
Massaging muscles makes them stronger and reduces excess weight. The throat exercises work, if done daily.
You can use a pulsing stream that does this too. This throat attachment for the Hydro Pulse® irrigator, lays on the tongue, directs a pulsing stream to just behind the last tooth, and the massaging action reduces “flab” and strengthens muscles. The throat irrigation works for enlarged tonsils too.
Stuffy Nose and Snoring
Whenever a cold or stuffy nose blocks breathing, you get snoring. If your nose stays stuffy and blocks breathing, the body attempts to overcome the blockage by using the diaphragm to expand the lungs. This starts a cycle: the more the nose is blocked, the more the diaphragm tries to assist getting air into the body. But that action pushes on the stomach, pressing it. With repeated pressure the action weakens the muscles responsible tor keeping the stomach closed until finally the acid comes out and goes up the swallowing tube, reaches the throat and causes more blockage with increased snoring, followed by more reflux of acid.
When the nasal blockage persists, as in Chronic Sinus disease, or nasal allergy, then the push of the effort to breathe continues and the acid results in more nasal and throat blockage. The nasal blockage must be relieved. One way is by fixing the nasal cilia.
Nasal Rhythm Prevents Snoring
In the nose there are millions of tiny brooms called nasal cilia. These move in rhythm to sweep bacteria out of the nose. Persons that keep a normal nose have cilia that are working at full speed. Most persons who have nasal blockage, infection, or postnasal drainage have slow cilia. When the cilia rhythm is too slow, bacteria remain in place, and raise children, in other words, they multiply. This causes chronic sinusitis. For most nasal conditions, you fix the bad rhythm with good rhythm.
Humming “ooomm” helps restore cilia. This is at the correct frequency of vibration.
An effective method is to irrigate with saline using a pulsing stream that pulses at a rate suited to restore lazy cilia. For example, the Hydro Pulse® Nasal/Sinus Irrigator pulses at a rate to restore cilia and clear nasal blockage.
When the cilia return to normal, there is no need to continue pulse wave irrigation.
Lift the Nose
For some persons, the tip of the nose hangs down, blocks breathing and causes snoring in a person who never snored before. Try lifting the tip of your nose to see if it opens your airway. If it does, then taping the nose up so that the airway opens up can be a snoring cure. If the sides of the nose collapse on inspiring, then lifting the nasal tip opens that too.
GERD or stomach acid
When the nose is blocked, the body tries to compensate by forcing the diaphragm far into the abdomen. Here is pushes the stomach and often squeezes it, so that stomach acid comes up into the throat. The more the blockage, the more the acid: the more the acid, the more the swelling of throat and the more the snoring/blockage. Taking the acid medications may help, but first clear the blockage that may be causing the reflux.
Why Prevent Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Because OSA causes:
Acid reflux
Weight gain
Poor sleep
Daytime fatigue
Industrial and traffic accidents
Chronic sinusitis
So do your arithmetic, stop the snoring and prevent the OSA. Besides:
A happy partner after a good night’s sleep is … well, you KNOW!

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