Why You Should Get a Snoring Cure

Why You Should Get a Snoring Cure

The other day Jason L. age 40 came for a revisit. All his life he had suffered because of his snoring. A month ago I told him to sew a tennis ball on his T Shirt back in order to keep him sleeping on his side, as therapy for snoring. Now he no longer snored. His snoring cure was successful! He wept at all the years that he had wasted in not seeing a cure for his snoring. If only he had known of this snoring cure before! He kept postponing seeing a doctor because the only cures he found on the internet were surgical or dental.

I am part of a five person ear nose and throat group that specializes in snoring procedures. We have pioneered some of the procedures used for sleep apnea and our members are invited to lecture on this subject at medical meetings. The scene of Jason weeping in our office is not unusual.

Many snorers avoid getting treated because of fear of surgery. Many of our patients have scoured the internet and all they found were articles on surgery for snoring; that is why they avoided coming to the doctor. Imagine their relief when they learn that the cure is as simple as clearing their nasal stuffiness!

For most snorers, we first try clearing them with pulsed irrigation. The Hydro Pulse™ is particularly suited for snoring because you need to treat both the nose and the throat.

If someone is keeping a chronic nasal congestion, it is often due to poor nasal cilia function. Normally, nasal cilia beat in synchrony to move bacteria and pollen out of the nose. When the cilia stop moving the bacteria out, they lay in place and multiply. Then this infected material causes the nose to swell, leading to nasal airway blockage and to snoring. When the nose/sinuses are irrigated with the pulsed wave form of irrigation, that frequency of pulsation is timed to restore the nasal cilia. Once the nasal cilia are restored to normal, there is no need to continue Hydro Pulse™ irrigation, now the cilia do the therapy.

When there is nasal infection, the bacteria and toxins drain to the throat by passageways called lymphatic channels. This results in swelling of throat tissues, especially the back of the throat and the sides of the throat where the tonsils are located. Actually, the tonsils are designed to filter out that nasal drainage. But if they swell, the airway is affected and people snore. One of the best ways to reduce that swelling is by massage and irrigation. The Hydro Pulse™ comes with two throat attachments. Using regular warm water, the pulsing stream is directed to just behind the last tooth on the right. This washes and massages the right tonsil, then swirls around to exit on the left side. By this massage action, the swollen tissue is reduced in size and becomes firm again.

For some patients there are holes in the tonsils called crypts. These may be filled with bacteria products that the systemic antibiotics can’t get to. For this condition called tonsoliths, the Hydro Pulse irrigation pulses the stale material out easily.

By clearing the nasal cause of snoring and also the throat problem caused by that drainage, many persons stop snoring.

There are other factors that help snoring. One is good sleep and this calls for good sleep habits.

For most persons, a sleep problem can be solved:
a. Regular Sleep Time. The more consistent the better. This sets the sleep clock.
b. A sleep routine. The more complex the better. A warm bath, brush your teeth, cream your face and hands, constant room temperature. Doing this consistently sets your sleep clock and gives better sleep.
c. Bed should be only for sleep, not doing office work or reading exciting novels or watching the 10 o’clock news. Especially bad is eating in bed. If you must read, a good book on algebra is best.
d. Do not linger in bed in the morning.

The more “dull” the sleep time the better. For some men, having the Shopping Channel on works; for some women the Sports Channel may be useful.

Whether snoring is social or leads to sleep apnea, before any surgical procedure is contemplated, the non-surgical approach to a snoring cure should be tried first.

More therapies for snoring will be coming here in the weeks ahead.
This material from Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems – Permanently.
