Why The Grossan Institute is Necessary Part one

Why The Grossan Institute is Necessary Part one

You already know about the shortage of specialists, the waiting time to see a doctor, the staggering increase in cost of medical care. You know these things first hand. You also know that bacteria are getting more resistant to antibiotics and how antibiotics can reduce your own natural immune system. Instead of statistics, let me give you some real life examples of why the Grossan Institute is beneficial for you.

Judy K. saw the doctor for stuffy nose and he told her to use saline nasal spray. Over the next 3 months she had X rays of her sinuses, courses of antibiotics, decongestants, and very expensive nasal sprays. When I saw her, I found that she had been spraying her nose with a saline preparation containing Benzalkonium, a preservative. This product can cause nasal congestion. When she stopped the Bzk, her nose cleared up. I don’t want this to happen to you.

Sally M. called to cancel the appointment she made to see me for her cough. When she made the appointment to see me, she had been coughing for six weeks, had filled numerous prescriptions and seen a pulmonologist and taken lots of medication. Three days before her appointment, her grandmother came, made her Chicken Soup, and now her cough was gone, and she felt well. WHY did grandma’s chicken soup do this? I am here to explain this to you so you can be well too.

Jim S. had a fine job. But, during allergy season, he spent an hour sneezing, coughing and hacking before he could leave for work; therefore he was often late for work. I had him drink hot tea before getting out of bed in the AM and he no longer had the problem. You will learn why this works and how you can use it for your symptoms.

George and William came to the doctor for sore joints. Both got the same medicine. George returned in two weeks and said the medicine worked; William said it didn’t work. George studied the doctor’s instruction sheet, elevated his limb, did the exercises; William lost the patient sheet and couldn’t recall the name of the medicine. George did the ONE thing that ALWAYS helps a patient get well; he took charge, was active in his therapy.

Reading this blog will give you insight on the importance of “taking charge “ of any illness you may have. That is because when you engage your MIND to help your illness, your mind is actually the key to your good health. More next week.
