When You Have An Allergy

When You Have an Allergy

Most of the patients I see have read about allergy but do little things that prevents them for having full relief. Many of my new patients come to me after reading my book, Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems. Somehow they missed some of the recommendations in the book.

Jim S. has a beautiful Dogwood tree outside his bedroom window. When it blooms he loves to take pictures and post them. He sleeps with his window open. He is having serious allergy symptoms.
Jim: Sleep with your window closed. Change clothes when you come into the house. Wear a nose filter when you are outside where there is pollen.

Fred S. goes to the Mall where it is air conditioned and relatively pollen free. When he does, his nose gets plugged. In the evening he feels worse.
Fred: When you have allergy you don’t tolerate temperature changes. Wear a jacket when you enter cool places. Don’t get chilled.

Marie T. loves to get dolled up and go on dates. But during allergy season her sneezing cools her date’s ardor. But when she shops she is okay.
Marie: during allergy season perfume makes your allergy worse. Use unscented lipstick and avoid any perfume. Have a nice time.

Alice R. is okay when she wakes up, but once she gets out of bed, she is sneezing and hacking.
Alice: With allergy your natural thermostat doesn’t work well. You need to warm your body before you get out of bed. Keep a thermos of HOT tea and drink it before you get out of bed. Yes, breakfast in bed.

Julia is in real trouble. She did everything: dust proofed the bedroom, took allergy shots, prescribed pills, and nasal sprays and still is sneezing all day.
Julia: your body is exhausted. You need to go to bed and rest for a weekend and get lots of sleep. Then your natural immunity will regenerate. (this worked for Julia)

Robert T. took shots for the local pollen. But he didn’t take shots for dust because his test for dust was only weakly positive.
Robert: even if you are not specifically allergic to dust, you still need to avoid dust. Get your bedroom dust free.

Beatrice S. was using the latest heavily advertised mail order bedroom air filter. But it not only didn’t work, but her asthma got worse.
Beatrice: I checked. That filter you got ionizes the air. Ionizers make allergy and asthma worse.

Sam S complains that when he irrigates, it burns too much and he has to stop. Yet he uses distilled water, never tap water or even bottled water. He has tried all kinds of expensive water but it still burns when he irrigates.
Sam: I checked. You are using water without salt. You MUST use salt or enhanced salt to make the solution isotonic. That means that the salt concentration matches the salt in your nose. (Once Sam added Breathe.ease XL enhanced saline to the irrigator solution, the irrigation felt fine and he was able to benefit.)

Note: about once a month someone calls to complain that the irrigation isn’t comfortable even though they use PURE DISTILLED Water. They have to be reminded to add enhanced saline, the Breathe.ease XL® packet to the basin 500 cc basin of warm water.
For most locations, ordinary tap water works okay, unless you are unusually sensitive to the chemicals.

These are the little things that can make or break your response to allergy season. If you win the Lottery, a good idea is to spend you time on your yacht away from the pollen.
