The Sneaky Breath Cure

The Sneaky Breath Cure

Need to cure someone’s bad breath? Here is the sneaky way to do it.

How can you give your best friend/companion a breath cure without making them feel badly? You don’t want to lose them.

It seems lots of people have hit on a solution Especially at Father’s Day. With the many breath specialist recommending the Hydro Pulse™ Nasal and Throat for breath, no wonder it is a popular gift!

Dr Harold Katz, founder of the California Breath Clinics, and author of The Bad Breath Bible, states,” For chronic sinus problems, many patients will find relief by using the Hydro Pulse® (an amazingly effective Nasal-Sinus Irrigator, designed by an Ear Nose & Throat specialist) to flush the sinuses.”

Most bad breath comes from stale mucus in the nose/sinuses. When the mucus in the nose is stale, odorous bacteria can grow. This type of bacteria then moves to the throat area.

For example, many breath problem persons have tonsoliths. These are the white “clumps” in the tonsil areas containing stale bacteria which gives off an odor. The Hydro Pulse comes with an attachment that is specially designed for this problem. This throat attachment to the Hydro Pulse directs a pulsating stream directly to the tonsil area for removal of the tonsoliths as well as any particles in the throat or tongue crypts. The pulsating stream essentially massages the odorous clumps out of the tonsil.

Persons with postnasal drip and sinus disease may harbor the bacteria of bad breath. Often the problem is due to the nasal cilia not doing their job. Normally the nasal cilia wash away bacteria, fungus and dirt so that they don’t remain in the body long enough to multiply. But thanks to diesel fumes, smog, drugs that cause dryness, and excessive nose blowing, these cilia may slow down enough to allow bacteria to multiply and enter the body, which causes breath problems.

Unfortunately you can use mouth wash all you wish, if the odor is from stale nasal mucus, they won’t do the job. You need to get to the root cause of origin- the nose and sinuses.

However there are other causes of breath problems to consider –including garlic, dry mouth and periodontal disease. The Hydro Pulse comes with a booklet that reviews all of these with treatment suggestions.

If you want to sneak a breath cure to your companion, check out for more information on the Hydro Pulse ™ Nasal /Sinus irrigator with the nasal and throat attachments.
