How to Save Money on Allergy Medications

Save Allergy Medication Costs

Allergy medications can be expensive. Fortunately many work well and relieve allergy symptoms. But what do you do when the cost of these therapies can cost over one hundred dollars a month?

I like to recommend the antihistamine nasal sprays. But when my patients complain of the costs of these Allergy Medications, I am troubled.

The pharmacy rep dropped off the samples of the latest third generation allergy pills. They worked for my patients. But when the samples ran out and they had to pay for them, they complained to me.

How have I been able to reduce the cost of Allergy Medication? I have switched my patients to Medication Enhancement. (M.E.)

What is M. E.?
Whenever physicians do a trial of real pill vs placebo, they may report that the real pill cured 75% of the patients. But they also report that the PLACEBO worked in, for example, 40% of the patients. So the real pill is better, right?

Right. But, why did the sugar pill, the placebo work in this trial? Why does every scientific study report a high % of cure using the placebo? What did those patients do to be cured of their symptoms, when it turns out that they actually took the fake pill, the sugar pill?

Turns out they used mental memory. The brain remembers that the red pill they once took stopped their symptoms before; so the brain produces the same chemistry that worked before. You can actually draw blood from these people and demonstrate the better chemistry, the endorphins, the increased immune factors, all from a placebo.

Can medication enhancement, using your mind help you reduce medication costs? Yes, when medications work better you use much less and for a much shorter period of time.
In my book, Stressed? Anxiety? Your Cure is in the Mirror I detail this method for any medication or treatment:
a. When you take a medication understand fully how it works
b. Visualize using all your senses what the medication is doing in your body
c. Recall previous examples of when it worked well
d. Use your visualization to see, feel, hear, smell, taste it actually working well to stop your allergy symptoms.

I get daily reports from my patients of this Medication Enhancement working so that they use less medicine.

It’s not just the pills and sprays. This also applies to taking hot tea with lemon. You visualize how the tea speeds the nasal cilia, how the lemon thins the allergy mucus. The key is to utilize brain memory and visualize using all your senses. When you use the Hydro Pulse® Nasal/Sinus irrigator, visualize how the pulse wave is moving cilia in a wave form motion and your cilia is removing bacteria, pollen and dust from the nose.

Judy S. stopped coughing and got Allergy Relief when she took chicken soup. Her mind recalled how well it worked before.

Bill P. uses his Hydro Pulse™ once a day during allergy season and uses Medication Enhancement. He visualizes how the pulsation and waves move his nasal cilia and removes pollen and bacteria. This makes the Hydro Pulse® irrigation work better at lowering his nasal and blood IgE. With lowered IgE in the nose and blood stream, he seldom needs any pills or sprays now.


When you take your allergy pill or spray, follow the four steps of Medication Enhancement. Visualize how it works, visualize it working well, recall other medications working, and use your senses to see, feel, taste, smell and hear it working.

This will make your medications work better, more effectively and you will save money by using less medication, or hopefully none at all. These same principles also work for any medication and treatment. In the book, Stressed? Anxiety? Your Cure is in the Mirror are further details for enhancing medications for hypertension, diabetes, migraine, and most other common conditions. Reducing your medication cost in definitely better for your health.
