Breakfast in Bed is The Best Thing for Allergy

Breakfast in Bed is The Best Thing for Allergy

The American Academy of Allergy and the US Weather Department agree that this will be one of the worst allergy seasons to plague the allergic patient.
This is because the weather has been unusual. We had a very early spring, the plants and trees blossomed. Then it got cool, and then warm again and so they blossomed again. When there is more pollen, you get more sniffles.

If you go to any pharmacy today, you will find the shelves crammed with pills, sprays, inhalers, and liquids for allergy relief. You will find those aisles crowded by persons with red noses.

Forget the pharmacies; here is a natural solution. It is BREAKFAST IN BED.

How does that work? When you have allergy, your body has what I call a crooked thermostat. Normally your body adjusts to temperature changes easily. But, when you have allergy, because your thermostat is “crooked,” instead of the normal temperature adjustments when you come out of your warm bed onto the cool floor, your body warms up by having you sneeze and hack. All this movement does warm your body; unfortunately once the sneezing starts, there is a cascade effect, histamines and allergic factors are released and the symptoms continue, sometimes for the whole day.

I recommend hot tea, lemon and honey from a thermos or electric pot. This has to be green or black tea. These contain a product called L-theonine, this is like a super anti-oxidant that significantly reduces allergy symptoms and increases nasal cilia speed and effectiveness. This can be with or with out caffeine. In addition to the tea, any regular breakfast food taken in bed is fine. For most persons, avoiding that morning “attack” can make a huge difference.

Avoid medications that might dry the nose and slow the movement of nasal cilia. These cilia are tiny oars that move bacteria and pollen out of the nose. if the nasal cilia slow down, then bacteria can remain in place and multiply and cause a sinus infection. When cilia are too slow, pollen accumulates in the nose.

To insure good cilia movement, I recommend humming in a low tone, like “oooommmm.” This will stimulate the cilia as well as break up thick mucus. Jump rope and jumping jacks help too. If mucus does thicken and turn green or yellow, daily use of pulse wave irrigation is ideal for removing this infected mucus to prevent the sinus infection. For example, the Hydro Pulse Nasal/Sinus irrigator pulses at a rhythm best for restoring cilia movement. Once the cilia is restored, there is no need to continue Hydro Pulse irrigation; you don’t need to be more normal. An advantage to using the Hydro Pulse™ Nasal/Sinus irrigator is that it washes out the IgE in the nose and reduces the IgE in the blood, so that you have less allergy.

Other allergy aids:
Avoid spicy foods.
Avoid iced drinks
Wear a windbreaker when you go from hot outside to cool inside.
In traffic, drive windows closed and air recirculated.
Never drive behind a diesel bus/truck.
Wear a mask or filter when gardening
Change clothes when you come in from the outside, so you don’t bring pollen into the house.

Many patients wail that “my wife isn’t going to bring me breakfast in bed!” But, all you need is a thermos or an electric pot that you can turn on for hot water, and some tea bags. Adding honey, lemon or lime is preferred.

Why is breakfast in bed so important? Anything the allergic person can do to reduce the amount of drugs they take is a big plus for overall health.

“With this allergy method, you may be able to bypass the aisle at the pharmacy marked, “Allergy Relief Products.”
